Use the buttons below to select the software that you used in your research. Right-click each for more information about the software
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Your search doesn't match any of the software in our list - perhaps this is an opportunity for you to contribute a new software package to our list? Absolutely no need to own or contribute to the package, we appreciate submissions from users of packages too!
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Copy the acknowledgement that is created here into your LaTeX manuscript, and save the BibTeX.
Acknowledgement will go here
Bibtex will go here
Use the button below to fill out a form to submit a new issue to the Software Citation Station! Imposter syndrome disclaimer: There's no need to own or contribute to the package, we appreciate submissions from users of packages just as much!
Please use the button below to create a new GitHub issue on the Software Citation Station!
Update existing softwareAbsolutely, in fact, we encourage it! You can even make a custom link so that your package is automatically selected - just add to the URL like this:
Or, if you'd like it formatted in a nifty little badge like this one,
, click this button to copy some HTML that does that!
Software is crucial for the advancement of astronomy and science especially in the context of rapidly growing datasets that increasingly require algorithm and pipeline development to process the data and produce results (Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine 2021).
However, software has not always been consistently cited, despite its importance to strengthen support for software development (Howison & Bullard 2016; Niemeyer et al. 2016; Li et al. 2017; Bouquin et al. 2020; Alsudais 2021; Bouquin et al. 2023).
You can read our paper about the importance of software (citations), resources for software citation, and a description of our tool at this link.
Tom Wagg
Floor Broekgaarden
automatically selected: DEPENDENCIES